Thursday, February 24, 2011


So after a fun morning at Great-Grandma Snow's house, the kids are FINALLY taking their naps. When you are traveling, you let your kids nap wherever they will nap as long as they nap:

Andrew's nap choice: the couch. Nothing better than a swaddleme wrap to get this baby to go to sleep:) He loves, loves, loves to be swaddled!

Aiden's nap choice: the hardwood floor of his room. I was just going to let him out after giving him some minutes to "rest (nap or quiet play)" and I was pleasantly surprised to find him sleeping, just not in his bed!

Quick, I am off to take a short nap too!!!


jody said...

I love those two little guys! Thanks for sharing the cute napping pictures!

Beyond the Sunrise said...

Looks like cruel and unusual punishment to me! Was your nap on the concrete floor in the garage?