Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy 9 Months Andrew!

Our little bug, Andrew, turned 9 months on August 28th!!! Time is truly flying...

  • We spent 10 days of this month visiting Chris' family and several friends back in Iowa. Andrew got to meet many of his relatives for his first time and was a great traveler, despite the fact that he liked to wake up all throughout the night! He was ONE wiggle worm on the plane, but we managed to make it through two full days of traveling. While we were in Iowa, Andrew attended his first state fair, rode a horse, and got lots and lots of love from many people.
  • We are heading to Andrew's 9 month appointment this week so we will see how much he has grown. I have a feeling that he is finally going to pass his brother's comparison height and weight at 9 months!
  • Andrew continues to nap twice throughout the day. Usually for about an hour in the morning and about 2 hours in the afternoon. I cherish any day that I can get double naps in, even if that time is only a few short minutes! Andrew LOVES when Aiden is sleeping at his naptime and has all of the toys to himself. He just plays and plays and plays.
  • Andrew is FINALLY sleeping through the night. After we arrived back from Iowa, we had a couple nights of letting Andrew cry a little more and voila, he is finally starting to give us an almost full night's of rest. Although, at this very moment, Andrew is teething/experiencing a little upset stomach/etc., which is causing him to wake up here and there again! Oh, babies are so unpredictable!
  • Andrew loves to watch and watch and watch. He watches his brother all day long. Andrew is quiet, often he only babbles when he is the only child around:)
  • Andrew is ONE active little bug. Believe it or not, we have seen Andrew take a few steps here and there, but nothing consistent yet! He can stand on his own for several seconds and most of the time, you will see him cruising around the furniture. He goes from the couch to the table to the chair, etc, etc, etc. He is always moving, often to look for his mommy or to find Aiden!
  • We finally, finally got his first tooth. I have been waiting for months to find it and then one day Chris was looking in his mouth and discovered the oncoming tooth before not fair!
  • Andrew LOVES LOVES LOVES fruit (especially peaches and blueberries), puffs, yogurt melts, and little crunchies. He will NOT eat anything pureed, including applesauce and oatmeal. I just packed up any leftover baby food we have to give to another friend because it won't be eaten in this house! He loves to drink water out of his sippy and makes ONE big mess during mealtime.
  • At the end of this month, I have transitioned Andrew to almost completely formula. Andrew is a really distracted eater, I can barely get his bottles down him, which made it very difficult to nurse him. Therefore, for my own sanity and for his nutrition, we have decided to make the switch. So far, he seems to be doing well as we are fading over to bottles and formula.
  • Andrew HATES the bath more than any child I have ever seen. I have tried sitting in there with him, filling the tub with more/less water, playing with toys, etc. He just does not like it. I can't figure out how to solve the issue but I'm hoping it will resolve soon. It's my least favorite time of day, especially with the two boys and often doing it on my own.
  • Andrew gets lots of playtime-we play outside daily where he enjoys rides in the car, swinging, cruising at the park, and playing in the playhouse. He loves to play with cars and trucks, look at books, watch his big brother, and much more!
We love you Baby Andrew!


Grandpa Rogers said...

We do love this little guy. But this makes me miss him even more!

Anonymous said...

Sure hope he doesn't take after his Grandpa Ruff, rumor has it that it's been days since his last shower ;)