Sunday, September 16, 2012

Catching Up!

It has been SOOOOO long since I have updated our blog---and yes, I have not forgotten about it, but there are SO many reasons why I got behind.  Family visits, summer day laziness, Chirping Moms blogging, lots of housework, and more and more and more!  

But instead of listening to all my excuses, I have compiled a bunch of pictures from the month of August that will be coming to you all week!  So stay tuned, lots more to see...

Andrew enjoying a hot summer day! 
 This little rugrat wouldn't sleep in bed.  It was penguin's bed tonight while Aiden slept on the floor.  If anyone has any tricks on how to get a three year old to sleep like a champ, please share them with us!  He has been a bear at bedtime!
 I don't even know what to say...
 Hello Pirate Aiden!
 Getting ready to head for a walk---cutie pies!
 Having fun in our MINI pool---our other pool popped and so we have resorted to this miniature thing!
 Having fun at a local splash pad!
 Seriously, why do my boys have to be so brave?!
 Tiger Andrew!

1 comment:

Beyond the Sunrise said...

Fun times - glad they are enjoying childhood!