Friday, July 26, 2013

Happy Three Months Abby!

Yes, I know Abby has already turned four months, but I'm still going to post Happy Three Months to our sweet girl!

Abby's third month of life was the craziest yet.  We packed up and moved from her first house, all with a super complicated house sale.  Our stuff was put into storage and we were living out of bags for about three weeks until we could move into our new house (no easy feat with all the baby gear!).  We also had to say good-bye to Abby's first house, first town, and first friends.  We traveled 12 hours with this baby girl (who hates the car seat) to my mom's house where we would live for about three weeks.  And we took a MUCH needed vacation to Abby's first trip to the beach.  The month was filled with lots of chaos---moving, oil tanks, last minute house repairs, packing, organizing, staying away from the house to let the packers/workers do their work, saying good-bye to all of our dear friends, driving a 12 hour drive to North Carolina, taking Abby's first family vacation to Emerald Isle! 

So at three months, Abby loves to sleep.  She started to sleep some really long stretches sometimes 8-10 hours at a time.  She must know that her mommy is sleep deprived and can use any extra sleep she can get. I feel very spoiled since both boys never slept through the night until they were past a year old.  She may be just completely worn out after spending a day with her hyperactive brothers and mom!  Abby continues to be swaddled and placed in her Rock and Play, which is perfect because it has traveled with us everywhere!  

Abby has found her favorite pacifier, the Soothie!  We have a Wubbanub pacifier that Courtney gave us for the drive south, hoping that it would help keep her a little more calm and happy in the car.  Thankfully, she took to it right away and loves her little doggy pacifier.

Abby continues to nurse about every 2-4 hours.  She is a HUGE spitter and is on reflex medicine to help keep her a little more content with all the amazing amount that comes right back up.  She flies through bibs, burp cloths, outfits, and anything in projectile distance.  She actually takes bottles without a fight, unlike her brothers, so this mommy loves the occasional break from nursing!

Abby has started to enjoy rides in the double stroller.  She loves to play on her playmat.  We have started to put her in the Bumbo so she can sit up.  And the bouncer is the perfect place of this baby girl to sit.  Her favorite place to be is the Baby Bjorn, carried by her mommy

Abby is such a easy, happy baby.  She rarely cries and just is content with life around here---we LOVE her so much!  She gives big smiles, has wide eyes, and loves just to watch and watch and watch.  And there is a lot to see! 


We love you baby girl so much!

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