Thursday, August 8, 2013

Happy Four Months Abby!

Since we are nearing on the five month birthday, I thought I better take a few minutes to talk about Abby's fourth month of life! 

What an adventure Abby's fourth month of life has been.  Seriously, she has had the craziest months of her life.  In this month, we were finishing a visit to the beach as our family of five, spent about two weeks at my mom's house, moved in to our new house in Vienna, VA, headed back down to the beach for another vacation with Andy and Cynthia, and back up to our new house to unpack, unpack, and unpack!  And despite all the hours in the car, rooms that this girl have slept in, and all the people that she has seen...this girl is seriously amazing!  She's happy, sweet, and rarely cries!

Abby did visit our NEW doctor for her 4 month visit, which we loved by the way!  She weighed in at 11 pounds, 6 ounces (5-10th percentile) and 22 inches for height (less than 2%)!  She had another round of shots and boy did she cry.  But it didn't last long and the amazing new doctor practice gave her an adorable Beanie Baby elephant to keep to help soothe her shots away.  She continues to wear a size one diaper and clothes ranging in sizes from 0-6 months. 

First of all, we just love Abby's smiles!  She is such a happy, happy baby.  Seriously, check out the smile in these pictures?  Abby has mastered the art of rolling both ways!  She loves to show off her rolling skills:)  Abby spends a lot of her time in someone's arms or in the carrier, but she has enjoyed a few minutes of each day in the bouncer, chilling in the rock and play, and we have introduced her to the Bumbo.  She seems content about anywhere as long as someone (me, Chris, or big brothers) is around to help keep her entertained.

 Abby is a great "third" child.  She goes with the flow, being dragged around to everything along with her brothers.  She spends lots of time in the Baby Bjorn while we are out at parks, going on walks with her brothers, and running grocery store runs.  Aiden just adores his little baby sister, smothering her with hugs and kisses.  Andrew, our little rascal, talks about his "baby sister" and although not super touchy feely always manages to sneak in a bedtime hug.  

 Abby still sleeps in her rock and play all swaddled up.  She has started to sleep through the night (Cross my fingers that this stays because her brothers didn't sleep through until after they were a year old!  She must know that this mommy needs all the sleep that she can get.)  She naps two to three times a day and is always easy to put down--I think the busy days keep her tired enough that there is no battle to get back to sleep.  (If I could crawl into a bed for a nap, I would be joining nap time!)  Abby continues to nurse about every three hours during the day and usually will take a bottle, although we don't consistently give it to her everyday.  I, honestly, enjoy nursing her as they are our little "mommy and me" times amidst our crazy days!  Spit up continues to be a disaster and little Abby continues to be on reflux medicine.  It doesn't really bother me, although we go through an awful lot of outfits and burp cloths!

Happy Four Months, Baby Girl!  We love you SOO much!!!!

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