Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Beach Baby!

What a gorgeous day we had in CT!!!!! 80 degrees and sunshine=happy baby and happy mama:) Although our morning started out rough with a 4:30 am screaming Aiden wake-up call, our day quickly turned into a fabulous one. We spent the morning at the park with friends before having lunch and Bananagrams with a group of friends back at our home:)
Daddy surprised us with coming home early this afternoon, both Aiden and I were enjoying a nice snooze! After naptime we headed down to the beach in town. I would have to say that Aiden takes after his Mommy and LOVES the beach! He loved playing in the sand, chasing the seagulls, and people watching:) I can't wait to visit the beach again soon with our little bug!
Arriving at the beach...snack in tow!
Shoveling sand into his pail
Sand in hands, sand on toes, sand everywhere!
Beach Bum!


alisha said...

Your little guy is so cute, Julie!! Looks like you had a great time. I wish we could have gone to the beach today too! :)

Beyond the Sunrise said...

Nice to know that my oldest grandchild is a beach bum!