Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween from the Rogers family!

We hope that all of you have a fabulous Halloween and enjoy some of excitement of the holiday-may it be costumes, scary movies, carving pumpkins, or eating all of the leftover candy!  We are looking forward to a visit from Jen and Paul, my sister and brother in law:)  I can't wait to see her pregnant bump with our little niece inside!  

And right now, I am trying to revive my cell phone after a trip through the heavy cycle in our washing machine!  I thought I heard something clunk when I put the laundry in, but I didn't end up finding the reason until the cycle was done.  So as of now, I am back to the days of using a landline while my cell phone is making strange beeps at me and flashing weird signs!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Which is Bigger-Pumpkin or the Bump??

Chris and I decided to carve pumpkins tonight in honor of Halloween.  Which would you say is bigger-my pumpkin or the 33 week bump???

And here's Chris with his finished pumpkin:

This week, Baby Rogers is keeping me warm in this soon to be winter weather-can you believe that i saw snowflakes outside the window today in October???  A twenty percent metabolic rate increase throughout pregnancy leaves one with the heat turned down and a chilly husband. Little Rogers is now the size of a honeydew melon and may grow up to a full inch this week alone as his brain and senses continue to develop.    Little boy Rogers can hear voices, my stomach growling, and even the vibrations of my heart beating!  

Other news this week, we attended a full day of childbirth class on Saturday-YIKES!  We learned a lot and made me feel more relaxed about the whole thing, until they showed the video of some very emotional and angry women.  I think it scared Chris more than me!!

And a BIG happy birthday to my brother, Andy!  We hope that you have an awesome day and we can't wait to see you soon!!  

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

32 Weeks and the Halloween Dogs!

Cobi and Sheffield created some scary faces as we are getting ready for Halloween around here!

So the past week has just flown by!!  Chris has been busy at work while I have picked up some subbing jobs that completely wore me out.  This past weekend, we took a Taking Care of a Newborn class where we learned a lot of overwhelming, but helpful, information.  On Sunday, we picked up some pumpkins that we are hoping to carve this next weekend. 

This week, little baby Rogers weighs about 3.75 pounds.  According to one of the pregnancy websites, I should be gaining about 1 pound a week-yikes, I already feel huge because some of my sweatpants even feel tight!  Baby Rogers is now opening and closing his eyes and all  of his organs are completely formed, except the lungs which are continuing to develop.  Chris and I will be taking the ALL day childbirth class this weekend-wish us luck and hopefully we learn A LOT!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

31 Weeks and some other BIG news!

Less than nine weeks left-YEAH!  I spent the past week in North Carolina visiting my family (including my parents who moved there this summer) and had a great time:)  I enjoyed lots of good food-Fresh Market, Bojangles, and my mom's cooking-as well as lots of exciting activities!!  I am now back in Connecticut and am done with trips for awhile.  Next time that I am traveling, little Baby Rogers will be in tow!

This week, baby Rogers weighs about 3.3 pounds and is heading into a growth spurt (the stomach is expanding rapidly nowadays)!  He can now turn his head from side to side.  Little Baby Rogers is moving a lot throughout the day and if you watch carefully, you can see him kick and move by looking at my stomach.  (My sister, Jill, was a bit creeped out by all of the moving!)  This week, little Rogers will recognize voices and songs that are played.

The other big news is that we are going to be have a NIECE!!  Jen and Paul, my sister and brother in-law, found out last Friday that they will be having a baby girl in March.  We are very excited for the two of them and can't wait for our little ones to play together very soon!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Less than 10 Weeks...

Chris let me pick what I wanted to do for my 26th birthday weekend. (Yikes, I am closer to 30 than 20 now!).  Since I love being outside, I chose to go hiking at some waterfalls in Connecticut in this nice fall weather.  So I wake Chris up earlier than he would have liked and we are on our way to the Kent Falls and Macedonia Brook State Park for the day.  Two things we learned on our adventure:  1. Country roads take a lot longer than they look on Google Maps.  2.  30 Weeks pregnant makes you run out of breath a lot quicker than before, which means I didn't quite make it up the mountain that I was hoping to!  Here are some pictures from the fun day:

30 Weeks Pregnant-Baby weighs about three pounds and is about the size of a cabbage head.  Baby Rogers can move his head and open his eyes, as his vision is improving.  His hands and feet are fully formed!  Last, Baby Rogers is starting to control his own body temperature.  We got some more work done on the nursery-pictures will come soon!  I can't believe that we are less than 10 weeks until we get to meet little Baby Rogers!