Monday, May 27, 2013


Posting tonight on this "extra" day off for Chris, thanks to Memorial Day weekend.  Life continues to be crazy for us, but yet we are so blessed by the sweet lives of our three children. 

I have more pictures from today to share later (still on my camera and yet to be uploaded), but today was one of those days that I can sit back and reflect on how thankful we are.  We may have had our share of ups and downs these past few months, but I was reminded today to look for joy in the small things, the simple things.  

We started off our morning at 7:30 (first blessing)...our children never sleep past 6:30 and when I woke up to the sounds of two children and saw the clock right at 7:30, I was thankful for an extra hour.  One hour of sleep does wonders for a tired parent.  

We quickly got everyone dressed and were out the door by 8:20, on our walk to downtown for the annual Memorial Day parade.  Met up with some friends, had some bagels from the local bagel shop, and watched my boys amazed at the fire trucks, motorcycles, police cars, and the bag full of candy that they caught...all while baby Abby slept through the whole commotion in the Baby Bjorn.  This all before 10:00 am.  

Headed home for play time, lunch, naps (and a quick run for Mommy, as I am pushing myself to get back into shape yet again after my third baby).  It's amazing how your body quickly falls out of shape, but yet how it all comes back to you once you start up again.

And we were off in the afternoon to our sweet friends who threw us a going away BBQ.  It's hitting me that we are finally moving in less than two weeks.  Good food, great friends makes for one full heart.  More to come about the move later.  

But sitting down tonight as I'm working on a few things for The Chirping Moms, I realize that time is passing.  And this sweet girl is getting bigger, and happier, and lovely.  Oh so lovely--I had to share a few pictures with you all tonight of sweet Abby because she is just growing up way too fast.

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