Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy Eight Months Abby!

Okay, so I know that I am over a month late, but here it is with a nine month recap to be done soon:)  (The pictures are what makes the post anyways, right?!?!)

Here are some updates in Abby's life at eight months:

  • Another active child here, just like her brothers were.  She is crawling all over wherever she may fancy.  And she loves, loves, loves to pull up on anything and everything.  I am so not ready for this!
  • Abby loves her brothers.  She chooses to be wherever they are and will often seek them out if they aren't right around her.  She likes to be amidst their wild chaos and I know that soon enough she will be joining their wild antics.  She isn't huge into playing with toys but is easy to entertain. She loves to play with anything she finds:  the remote, the dogs, paper (oh she loves paper, especially to eat!), toy cars, and more.
  • She loves to join us on our outside adventures.  She spends most of her time either in my arms, but as she gets older that is happening less and less.  She loves to crawl around in the grass (although it's not as easy now that it is getting cold), being pushed in the push car, and enjoying a ride in the swing.
  • Abby has thankfully been a pretty good eater.  She eats most of the pureed foods, although she loves to hold a spoon while she eats.  (Although spinach and other strong vegetables are NOT her favorite, can you blame her?  I don't think I want spinach from a pouch either!)  She likes Puffs, yogurt melts, and Cheerios as well as a few other soft foods.  She continues to exclusively nurse (which also means usually a once a night feeding, aahh!).
  • She continues to nap twice a day, morning and afternoon, and is a pretty consistent sleeper.  
  • She is seriously so easy going and sweet so far.  She is adored by Aiden (and sometimes Andrew) and all of our friends and family.  People love her big giant eyes and she loves to bat them at people as well:)  She definitely knows how to charm!
We love our baby girl SOOOO much!