Saturday, November 22, 2014

Almost Thanksgiving?

It's funny how fast time flies.  I can't believe that we are just about to enter the holiday season.  This past month has flown by.  With the kids (& mom) in school groove now, time seems to be flying.  We are FINALLY on the mend in this house after several weeks of sickness in our house.  Which means that we haven't left the house much, my camera has been stored away, & there aren't many pictures to document the roughs and toughs of being sick with three little kids!  Thank goodness for antibiotics for both mom & little ones.  

These are just some of the few pictures I have from the past couple weeks.  I think that the time of year has started.  Busy, busy, busy.  This past week, we had Andrew's birthday celebration at school (his official birthday is next week!) & Aiden's big Thanksgiving feast at school.  Throw on top some doctor visits, MOPS meeting, errands, & just life in general and the days are flying by.  But they are good and we are happy.  So here's a few fun pictures for you:

Aiden walking home from school
 Abby on a nature walk with Andrew & me
 Aiden walking to school on a beautiful fall day
 Abby having some morning playtime in the Chik-Fil-A play area
 Andrew's last day of tumbling:  a handstand!
 Someone sleeps with everything she owns in the crib!
 Sweet Abby
 I guess someone needed a nap...
 He loves his superhero gear:)
 Abby & Andrew.  Smiles:)
Climbing the tree, because that's what firemen do!

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