Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First Flight!

Wow, it has been awhile since I have updated the blog!  So Aiden had another first this past week:  his first flight and first overnight trip away from home!!!!  Aiden and I went to visit my family in North Carolina, while Chris stayed behind to work and take care of our other two babies, Cobi and Sheffield.  
Aiden and I said good-bye to Daddy last Thursday in the airport for his first plane ride. Traveling with an infant is a lot more work than you can imagine!  To go through security, you have to send the stroller, car seat, bags, liquids, milk/bottles, plus get Aiden and I through! Aiden did so well on both plane rides:)  He enjoyed looking at all the new sights in the airport and loved all the people doting over him.  On both rides, he was either eating or sleeping which made his Mommy happy since we had no crying the whole time!  
Aiden was a busy bug while we visited North Carolina.  He got to meet his Great Aunt Betty on Thursday night and can't wait to meet the rest of her family soon!  Aiden also got to venture to church on Sunday, do deal shopping with Mommy and Grammy, visit Grammy's classroom, go out to dinner, and get lots and lots of love and attention!!!  Aiden is really starting to ham it up for people-smiling like crazy and talking in his baby coos to those around him!  He loved to look at the patterns in Grammy's and Great-Grandma's outfits and is even starting to reach for objects around him:)  While I was doing the word jumble with my grandma one morning, Aiden pulled the whole placemat off of the table while he was sitting on my lap! 
We also enjoyed a week of fabulous food-YUM!  Chris always laughs because my family plans our days around meals...and it's so true, but it makes life so grand!  First of all, I just am so thankful for my mom's cooking-she is the BEST!  She made many wonderful things, including my special request of beef stroganoff and egg noodles since I never cook it myself because my husband has a hatred towards mushrooms!  I also had my absolute favorite thing in the world...a sandwich from Fresh Market!  I could seriously eat food from that place every single day and am still savoring the Chocolate Toffee cookies from there that Grandma sent back with me:)  And I also got some Bojangles, chopped pork barbecue, and some of my Grandma's roast and potatoes!  Now that I am back in Connecticut, I am telling myself it is time to start watching what I eat and lose the rest of these baby pounds...let's see if I can make it happen!
It was sad to say good-bye but hope to make it back there again soon.  Aiden was excited to see his daddy, and so was I!  We really missed him and he was ready for us to arrive home...although he did enjoy the extra hours of sleep that he caught up on!!!  Thanks to my mom, dad, and Grandma for such a wonderful time!  We had a great time and I can't wait to see you again soon:)

Here are some pictures from our trip:

Aiden received this awesome shirt from our neighbors, which was perfect for the trip!  Too bad he had a major spit up which required a clothing change at the Philadelphia airport before we even made it to North Carolina!   
We have finally arrived and Aiden is happy to be in North Carolina!  No pictures of Aiden's mommy because she is worn out after a day of flying with her little boy:)
Aiden is now 2 months old!

Aiden loves the bouncer at Grandma's house and his new soothing seahorse that helps put him to sleep!

Four Generations:  Mommy, Great Grandma Snow, Grammy, and Aiden!

Aiden loves doing the airplane with Grammy!

Raggedy Ann and Aiden!

Little Aiden:)

Aiden loved being seeing all of his relatives!

Aiden wore his Sunday best to go to church!

All tuckered out at the end of the trip!