Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Catching Up...A Day at the Zoo!

So I am going to spend the next couple posts catching up on the past couple weeks that we were down South! We have finally arrived back home, catching up on life in CT, and have been reunited with the puppies!!!!!!
When we were in NC, we spent a day at the NC zoo with my dad. We got to see lots of animals, including the crazy junior high students:)
Here are some pictures from the day:
Daddy and Aiden
Riding a warthog
Surviving the heat with the baseball cap shade
Playing on the zoo playground
I love our family!


Beyond the Sunrise said...

Nice photos! After visiting the zoo, I'm convinced the fences and cages were built to protect the animals from the "educational" field trips.

Unknown said...

Great picture's Very nice looking Family, that little boy is really growing up and can tell he has a pretty proud Mom and Dad.