Thursday, August 19, 2010

Exploring the childen's museum:)

So I am way behind on posting, life has been busy, busy, busy here! But more details on our life in a post to come. Last week, Aiden and I spent some time in Raleigh with my mom, dad, and grandma. Our week was spent playing around Grandma's house (thankfully we didn't break anything or fall down any stairs!), eating lots of yummy, delicious food (home cooked meals that I didn't have to cook!, Bojangles, Sweet Tomatoes, and lots and lots of sweet tea), and exploring the area. One word that Aiden has added to his vocabulary is sweet tea-every time we go through McDonald's he says sweet tea over and over until he gets his own sample in his sippy cup. What a proud sweet tea lovin' mama! One of our favorite parts of the trip was our visit to the children's museum with Grandpa. Here are some pictures of our fun day:

Loves anything car-related!
Driving! (A new obsession...yesterday at the park, he stood at the toy steering wheel for almost an hour. That's all he wanted to do! He would say "Sit, Mama" and point to the nearby grass by the wheel while he would yell "Drive" over and over again. When we finally had to head home, he cried as I pulled him away from the steering wheel. I guess we will be making a trip back to the park soon for some easy entertainment:))
Another driving adventure in the play ambulance
Playing with a miniature house
Train table!
Taking a break with Grandpa
One tired out monkey!
Learning how to surf-maybe he will teach me one day!

THANK YOU to my parents and grandma for a great visit!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Beyond the Sunrise said...

Jules -- I'm sure glad that you can translate Aidenese to English!