Saturday, July 20, 2013

Our First Home!

Since I use this blog as a scrapbook of our lives, I have to post some pictures of our first house that we have owned.  This is the house that we said good-bye to over a month ago, as we said farewell to a great neighborhood, town, and friends.  

This house brings back lots of memories.  Andrew's first house.  Abby's first house.  Lots of family and friends came to visit.  Great neighbors.  The front tree blooming beautifully.  Lots of repairs, painting, and yard work.  Walking to downtown.  Lots of neighborhood runs.  Walks to the park.  Walks to school.  Dogs in the backyard barking.  Waiting for Daddy to arrive home on these front steps.  Snowstorms and hurricanes.  Oil tanks.  Visiting with neighbors on our front sidewalk.  Planting flowers in our front planters.   SO many great memories that we will cherish forever.  

1 comment:

Beyond the Sunrise said...

Jules, Oops, wrong address! That doesn't look like the house I visited. Where's those trucks and tractors and their drivers, those dogs, the toy-filled basement, etc.? I visited a house where people lived and loved life, not one such as one fit for a magazine story or a sales brochure. Love, Dad