Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy Six Months Abby!

Sweet baby Abby turned 6 months on September 17th (yes, we are almost a month behind AGAIN!)

What a crazy sixth month of life this girl had---she headed north to the Jersey shore and south to the Carolina coast.  We enjoyed a quick visit from MeMe Rogers.  School started for her brothers and she started her daily rides to and from school everyday.  Through it all, she continues to be our sweet little girl.  We are so blessed to have Abby in our lives!
Abby had her six month check up.  She continues to be like her brothers, our petite little kids.  She was 13 pounds 12 ounces and I can't remember the height right off the top of my head, but short.  They remeasured her three times because they thought certainly she wasn't that small, but she is:)  And there were no shots planned, but for once I am ahead of the game and she had her first round of flu shots (while her brothers lucked out by getting the FluMist instead of shots).  Sorry baby girl for forcing on shots, but I'm hoping this will keep us from the doctor this winter:)

Abby is a MOVER just like her brothers.  She learned to crawl quickly and do you think she goes for the nice, colorful, vibrant baby toys?  NOPE...she goes for trucks, trains, and anything that the boys play with.  They aren't too happy about the idea of her getting to their toys but when the little ones are small, we always enforce "take a toy, give a toy".  She seems fine with that for now:)  She also sustains herself for a short amount of time in the exersaucer/jumper/walker, but she is most content just crawling around on the floor!

Abby continued to eat solid foods this month.  Looking back at the boys at this month, they definitely were ahead of the game on this:)  But as third child, we aren't as on top of our game as we used to be.  But she now gets dinner and seems just content with whatever we give her!  Her favorite so far seems to be sweet potatoes.  And it's funny because when I had Aiden, I made ALL of his baby food.  With Andrew, I made some.  And now with Abby, I make NONE (unless you count mashing up a banana). What was I thinking, it's so easy to just the store bought food and she seems to like it more anyways!

Abby hasn't fully mastered sleeping through the night.  She is usually up once during the night (sometimes twice) and eats, but is good about going right back to sleep 80% of the time.  The other 20% of the time, she has a little night party in her crib and makes for one really tired mommy in the morning.  (Again, first child I didn't drink coffee ever and now I have at least one, sometimes two, cups a day!) 

Happy Six Months Abby!  We love you so much:):):)



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