Friday, October 18, 2013

Our Month of September!

Another busy month in the Rogers household!  We have decided that the month of October is going to be a month for us to relax a little more in this house.  Settle into a routine.  And really savor some family time because the past month, although wonderful, was just a little too crazy!

We kicked off the month with Labor Day weekend at the Carolina coast with my grandma, mom, and sister Jill and her family!  The kids had a blast, of course, loving the water and sand.  And even this little girl was a little sand girl:)

Not long after Labor Day, these two kicked off their first day of preschool!  A new school didn't hold these two back.  Andrew has done wonderful in his first year of preschool.  He loves his teachers and has adjusted much easier than I ever thought!  Aiden goes four times a week (which is a lot more than just twice a week last year), but has adjusted quickly and happily.  We spend a lot of our days heading to and from preschool, but I know that they are thriving and happy there so I am one happy mommy with them there!

We took our annual Rogers family apple picking trip!  We had to drive about an hour outside of the DC area to get to some orchards, but we had some fun picking apples. 

We headed to New Jersey for the first time since we moved and had a great reunion with our besties.  We miss them so much!!!

My dad, Papa Mountain (as we call him), came to visit for the first time since we moved here.  He spent a week with us treating us to lunches out, doing the whole preschool routine thing, and we even managed to get all three kids out hiking a couple times!  The kids had a lot of fun with their papa!

Aunt Jill and Jack drove down for the weekend while Grandpa was in town!  We did some more hiking...

And visited the National Air and Space Museum where we got to see so many planes and this amazing space shuttle!  (Thank goodness we went when we did because this month everything has been closed around here due to the shutdown!)

The rest of the month was spent adjusting to preschool, enjoying lots of time in and out of the house, and just living life.  We had a wonderful month but are looking forward to slowing down the pace of life around here as fall is kicking in!

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