Thursday, January 23, 2014

Happy 10 Months Abby!

It's hard to believe that this girl is 10 months!  It's hard to believe that in less than two months you will be turning one!!!!!!  Seriously, I know I keep saying it, but where does the time go?

At ten months...

You FINALLY sleep through the night!  Mommy took a couple nights to let you cry it out during your late night feeding session and despite a few cries and screams those nights, you quickly understood that Mommy wasn't coming back and started sleeping through.  It's amazing for your mom to FINALLY get a full night's sleep!  You even surprised me when we traveled this past weekend and you slept from 7-7 in the pack and play at our friend's house without making a peep.  I think you may be the best sleeper in the house;)  You love to have all your stuffed animals in the bed and always sleep with your soft pink blanket and your swaddle blankets with a pacifier nice and close!  You still love your Soothie pacifiers and we aren't going to mess with something that works. 

You are an eater, baby girl!  You love lots of different foods and choose to feed yourself rather than us feeding you!  Your favorite foods are blueberries, strawberries, cereal bars, yogurt melts, cheerios, cheese, and anything that we are having for dinner.  So far, I am enjoying your unpick habits and you are also the best eater in the house:)

You are so close to walking on your own two feet but you are very content crawling quickly around the house and cruising from place to place.  You often look for your brothers when they are not in the room and will crawl around until you find them.  Some of your other favorite places to hang are...the dishwasher, the refrigerator, the pantry, and the cupboards.  You love to hang with Mommy and make a mess while she is either cleaning or doing dishes!  

You are such a chill little girl!  You rarely cry and often have a smile on your face.  You have the most adorable giggle and are easy to make laugh.  You like to play with toys, people, or anything that is near you.  Seriously, I think I may jinx myself one day, but you are such a sweet, happy baby!

In your 10th month of life, we celebrated Aiden's birthday, Christmas, New Years, welcomed fun visits from Grandma Ruff and Aunt Jill and cousin Jack.  It was another fun month full of family and fun and you seemed to love every minute of it.  You are definitely a third child---along for the ride and it doesn't take much to make you happy!  Your naps are adjusted at time, bedtimes get pushed back, and your meals are all over the place according to our schedule and it doesn't bother you a bit!  You do really well when Mommy says good-bye to you at the gym or church which is HUGE for Mommy just to get a short break!

You are often found playing near your brothers and trying to crash whatever they may be working on!  They, for the most part, are good sports unless they are cranky boys and then we just move you away from them.  Trust me, don't mess with two cranky brothers!

Happy 10 Months Abby!  We love you SOOOO much!

1 comment:

Grandpa Rogers said...

We love you Abb's.