Thursday, April 3, 2014

Our Month of March!

Seriously the months just fly by.  Welcome April and Happy Spring!  Some sun and warm weather is exactly what this family needs:)

The month started off with a Daddy/Son movie date to Lego Movie.  I would have to say that the boys were pretty thrilled to head out with the dad!

And what was I doing back at home?  Well, while the little sweet girl napped I was busy preparing our house for Grandma and Grandpa Rogers to come take over while Chris and I took a nice three-day vacation to Florida!  Chris and I headed south to Naples, Florida where we met some friends of ours (that we met while we lived in DC before) and enjoyed lots of time at the pools and beaches, good food, lots of rest, and a much-needed vacation.  This is the first time that we have really headed away for a few days without kids and although I missed them like crazy, we had a wonderful time.  And Grandma and Grandpa survived, although they were pretty exhausted after a few days with these wild ones!

 We arrived home and the next week, it was time to celebrate someone's big first birthday!  Sweet girl Abby turned one (more to come soon!).  And what happened on St. Patrick's Day here, but yet another snowstorm.  So Abby's birthday turned into a SNOW day where we just hung out at home with her all day!

Aiden also got to be the STAR of the Week this month.  Although I have to admit a mom fail.  Aiden decided he wanted brownies for his special snack and we bought the mix when we were doing grocery shopping the Sunday before the week.  I was busy rushing around the Thursday that snack was supposed to be brought in, when all of a sudden I realized that I forgot to make the brownies (AND we had to leave the house in fifteen minutes to head to MOPS).  So we snuck out of MOPS a few minutes early, headed to the grocery store, and picked out some fun pre-made cookies instead.  Me, who loves to bake, failed and brought the store baked stuff instead.  Thank goodness for happy kids as they didn't care at all!

Last weekend, we were excited to have Aunt Jill and cousin Jack come visit!  They came down on Saturday where the moms and big boys (Aiden and Jack) headed out to lunch and pick up groceries.  The next day, we decided to head into DC to see the dinosaur exhibit at the Smithsonian before it goes extinct again for the next five years!  Although it was fun to see the big dinosaurs, I could have bypassed the massive crowds and freezing sleety weather!  

What else did we do this month?  I have to admit that we spend a lot of time in our pajamas...

And as much time as we can soaking up the sun..

And here's the best family portrait we have this month---do you notice Chris and I have on ratty old sweatpants while the kids are all cute?!  That's a snow day for you!

Here's to another fun month where we have lots of fun things planned already...

1 comment:

Grandpa Rogers said...

Some great pictures Julie. You guys had a full month.