Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy 8 Months Andrew!

Oh my goodness, before I know it Andrew is going to be 9 months! So let's quickly celebrate his 8 month birthday with a few updates with what is going on in our little bug's life!
Here's some updates:
  • Andrew is CRAZY active!!!! He crawls everywhere and just like his older brother, one leg often drags a little more on the floor than the other. He pulls up on EVERYTHING and he just LOVES to stand!!!! I can't even get him to sit in the bathtub without some major tears because all he wants to do is stand.
  • Andrew continues to love toys. He can play, and play, and play. Lately, he has been into cars and trucks pushing them around the floor. He also loves anything that his big brother is playing with-including stuffed animals, buses, and phones! One of his favorite times of the day is when I put Aiden down for his naptime, I let Andrew have free play in our living room for about 15-30 minutes before he goes down for his nap. He just goes crazy playing, squealing, and having a blast! It's so cute:) As much as he loves his big brother, I think he loves his alone time with the toys!
  • Andrew also loves to play outside, which is where we spend a lot of the time in the summer:) He crawls all around in the grass. His favorite thing to do at the playground is swing. Sometimes, he just giggles and giggles. Now, he enjoys some rides in the push car or wagon when we take the dogs on a walk. And I'm so thankful that he is FINALLY liking the pool water a little more after going all the summer. I think one of the reasons that he likes it is because he can hold on to the edge and play with toys while he is once again, standing.
  • Andrew has a love/hate relationship with food. If he is well-rested and content, he loves to eat. If he is tired and fussy, there is no chance of getting food in this boy's mouth! Just like his brother, he has started to spit out his purees and is ready for some big boy food. Some of his favorite foods are blueberries, sweet potatoes, bananas, yogurt melts, apple bites, and cheese!
  • Andrew usually goes to bed around 7:30-8:00 and sleeps until about 6:30ish. He still wakes up once a night, but this is a HUGE improvement when he was waking up about three times. I'm STILL waiting for one full night's of sleep which I will be very grateful for! Andrew also naps twice a day, for about one hour in the morning and about two to three hours in the afternoon! As much as I love my two boys, I am very thankful for the overlap of naps in the afternoon where I can savor some quiet time. You will either find me on the couch catching up on emails, television shows, reading a book, or taking a nap!
  • Our little bug is adorable and we continue to love him more everyday!!!!!!!!
Happy 8 Months, Andrew!

1 comment:

Grandpa Rogers said...

He's a cutie. Miss him already!