Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Iowa State Fair

If you have never been to the Iowa State Fair, add it to your bucket list! It is one crazy, impressive, and wild place:) I don't even know how to describe it, but it is nothing like I imagined! So, so, so much more:) We had a great time and here are some pictures to prove it...
The 100th year of the Butter Cow
Petting a baby cow:)
Checking out the rooster!
Getting excited about the horses
Lots and lots of John Deeres
Meeting Clifford for the first time! Aiden was SO excited:)
Checking out some more animals at the petting zoo...look at this big turtle!
And the big Clydesdale horses!
Finally worn out for his afternoon nap:)
Having fun on the merry-g0-round!
Going on a helicopter ride with Mommy!
And look who did Bumper Boats all by himself:)
And there is nothing better than fair food...deep fried butter, red velvet funnel cakes, bacon on a stick, etc, etc, etc. My body is thankful that the only fair food I consumed was a 1/2 grilled chicken sandwich and a strawberry smoothie:)
Not even out of the parking lot and asleep! What a FUN FUN day!


Beyond the Sunrise said...

What, no photos of the Presidential wanna-bes spreading propaganda and telling untruths?

A Little Ruff said...

What a wonderful trip! I know you all loved it!