Wednesday, November 9, 2011

North Carolina...(STILL IN REWIND!)

While we were refinishing the floors, I headed south with the kids to visit my parents:) Today, I am featuring pictures from our visit to Blowing Rock to see my Dad! We did some hiking, playing, and lots of relaxation in the peaceful mountains. Thanks Dad:)

Out of anywhere to play in the house, the kids' favorite spot was the stairs. And don't worry, Aiden was sliding down on his belly...he didn't fall:)
Enjoying a walk around the lake!
Someone wanted to walk himself (until the end when Grandpa had to carry him on his shoulders). And you do notice that he had to carry his pretend cell phone?!?!
My crazy life everyday with these two. I love them, even though I'm always exhausted now!!!
Starting him early on a John Deere
And we are starting Andrew even earlier with the John Deere
Playing in the leaves at Grandpa's:)
And going on a hike in the mountains!
Enjoying a short break before our big climb back to the car!
Loving my brother!

1 comment:

Beyond the Sunrise said...

Photo #1 - What were you trying to do; evidence for a injury lawsuit against the home owner?