Monday, February 1, 2010

Enjoy some pictures:)

I picked up a new charger for my computer, so I am back in action! I am off to do a quick workout while Aiden's nap, but wanted to share some new photos. Enjoy!:

Aiden loves to walk around with random objects...I think he is carrying a dog bone in this picture.
He loves his Ikea tunnel!
Drums aren't for playing...they are for standing!
Sharing his truck ride with Mr. Monster!
Finally starting to feel better after a rough week of the flu:)
I love my baby boy!!


Beyond the Sunrise said...

Glad you are all feeling better!

jody said...

Thanks for the picture update- I was starting to show signs of withdrawals (or Iowa winter depression)and you have now made my day! It is good to see you are all healthy again!

Beyond the Sunrise said...

The blue tunnel photo? Does it go all the way to York, PA?