Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Many Faces of a Two Year Old!

On my last post, I commented that I LOVE my days with the boys. This is SO true, but I do have to state that staying at home everyday with the two of them is no cake walk! We have spent several days in pajamas until the afternoon, watched more Mickey Mouse or Elmo than I would like to admit, and made promises for a special treat in order to survive errand runs! Motherhood is one HARD job. Juggling the needs AND wants of Aiden and Andrew is exhausting, frustrating, and comical, and rewarding all at the same time:) As a mom, like many, I constantly struggle with my decisions and actions. Life with a 2 year old really makes you question your ability as a mom because they are starting to test limits and this makes for some very INTERESTING days! Some of the questions that I have thought about just today are: How can I make bedtime go smoother? How can I get my baby to take a bottle? What's with the nighttime cough? Does time-out really work? How can I get my toddler to play independently? Should I buy a better carrier for the baby? These questions may or may not be answered, but the most important thing that I try to remember is to just LOVE my two boys.

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