Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week in Review!

Last Monday, we were lucky enough to have Chris home for one more day of vacation! And even better, Uncle Nate came out from NYC to visit. We walked up the train station in the morning to meet Nate and Aiden loved seeing those choo-choo trains! Most of the day was spent playing around the house, the boys watching football, and me trying to get last minute chores done before Chris starts busy season! This included about 12 loads of laundry, no joke! These two love to help me fold the new laundry (or at least make a big mess out of it). Here they are in our laundry boat:
Tuesday was a BIG day for us! Aiden started his very first day of preschool!!!!!! Look at this cutie pie all ready for school:
It was adorable because he was ready almost an hour before we had to leave. He had his backpack on and was following me around the house telling me that it was time to leave for school. We arrived there a few minutes early to meet his teacher and see his classroom. I wish to say that he was a happy boy when I left, but there were some major tears. I called about 45 minutes later to check on him and he was doing just fine. They said he cried for about 20 minutes, but the teacher walked him around, introduced him to lots of other teachers and students, and then he was fine. I picked him up 2 1/2 hours later and he was very happy to see me, but also seemed like he had a great day. While he was gone, Andrew took a nap (and I cleaned some of house with all my nervous energy!) and we had some extra playtime without Aiden around:) We spent the afternoon just having some free time, which means it was time for some Super Why role playing:
On Wednesday, we had a great time at one of our good friend's house in the morning! This kid was all ready to go! Don't you just LOVE this shirt?!?!?

Aiden didn't nap in the afternoon, but he did chill with me while I caught up on the Bachelorette (I don't know why I still watch that show!). We spent the afternoon down at our neighbors' house where luckily I escaped just in time before arriving home and entering Aiden meltdown territory. No nap means early bedtime after a cranky mealtime and bath time!

Thursday was the second day of school! Look who is getting ready all by himself (although he wasn't quite as eager as he was on Tuesday):
I said a quick good-bye at the classroom door and left this sad boy once again in tears! I stood down the hall while waiting to catch up with another friend and I have to say that before I left five minutes later, I didn't hear him wailing anymore. And I called one more time to check on him and they said he was doing great. So cross our fingers that each day, our drop offs will get a little easier! Andrew and I headed home for a short nap time before heading out to playgroup. This guy loves his one on one time:

After naps, we had another friend over for dinner! We have kids almost the same ages and our boys are in preschool together. Both of our husbands were working late so it's always fun to spend those evening hours with somebody else. There was lots of playtime, some delicious tacos, and some major fun to be having. And all the kids crashed for bedtime from exhaustion shortly after they left:)
On Friday, we had NO plans-wonderful! We started off our morning watching the garbage truck go by:
The, we made paired some homemade waffles with apples for breakfast:
And headed for a walk to downtown for a much-needed coffee drink for Mommy and a little treat for the boys before heading to the park for some play time in the beautiful weather! We played, played, and played:) Shortly after lunch, these boys were crashed in their beds:
We were hoping Chris could make it home for dinner but the trains got delayed! So we had some delicious chicken parmesan for dinner and once he arrived home, he took over bedtime duties so I could have a night out with friends! Thank goodness:) I love my kids, but I also love my breaks!

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