Friday, March 16, 2012

Our trip to Meme's house...

After our wonderful time in the mountains with Grandpa, we headed a few hours east to see Meme!!! The weather was gorgeous in Cary and we couldn't get enough of playing outside in the sunshine and warm weather. Look, no more coats:)...

Meme had to work the first day that we were visiting so we had a nice lazy breakfast before we headed to school to see her classroom. Can you see the oatmeal remnants on this sweet boy's face?????
Andrew fell in love with the guinea pig and couldn't get enough of this critter. He really loves was funny because Aiden wanted Oreo to stay in the cage while Andrew kept wanting Oreo out and about. How different these two can be sometimes...
When we left Meme's school, we took a quick pit stop at the park on the way home. We needed to run some of their energy out...

After naps, we headed over to have dinner with my Grandma Snow at a cafeteria near her house. I have to admit that it was not one of my favorite parenting moments (lots of traveling, short naps=worn out kids which means disasters out to dinner). I have no idea what my poor grandma thought as I was too busy picking up thrown food, chasing the rug rats, and trying to get a few bites down these not so happy children's mouths. We parted ways with Grandma quickly and headed home for a much needed bedtime!

We spent the next day playing around the house and running errands with Meme (Look who's shared their iPod with their little brother). One of their highlights of the day was riding the choo-choo express all around the mall-nothing makes these boys happier!
The best part of the day was that Daddy arrived at night in order to join our little trip away from home. He was very anxious to see these boys after a long busy season...and they were very excited to see him!
The next couple days, we spent some time catching up on things around the house. I was trying to help my mom get a few things organized which was helpful as Chris could help with the kids while we could get a few things done. We also enjoyed some quiet shopping time while Chris headed to the park for a few hours with the boys...a win-win situation! This little boy who was very happy to see his Daddy was also very excited about this new outfit. He picked out these shorts and shirt by himself and carried the bag throughout the entire mall. When we arrived home, he rushed to change into his new outfit! He has already worn it several times with this nice spring weather! I think I have a little prepster on my hands (I don't think he got it from me as I could live in sweatpants!). And I love, love, love his new shoes that I got him, some Toms. He had these race car Vans that were hand-me-downs from some friends that he is insistent on wearing everywhere. Not only are they too big, but they are getting VERY dirty. This child is very picky about his shoes and finally, we got him to buy these adorable shoes, which also fit snug and are easy to put on.
I would have to say that most of our vacation was great!!! But there is always some hard parts of traveling with two little kids...the hardest being sleep! Aiden takes forever to put to sleep when we are not at home. It really drives me nuts night after night, but I try to be patient as I know he just gets anxious in the new surroundings. And Andrew, my usually great sleeper, went to bed great but woke up several nights screaming like crazy. Enough to make me pull him in to bed with me, which NEVER happens! But I guess I can say I enjoyed a little extra snuggle time with my very active 15 month old!

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