Thursday, April 12, 2012

Birthday Fun...

This weekend, we headed to PA to spend some time with my sister's family and lucky us, my mom was visiting too!!!!!!!!!!!!! We arrived around lunchtime and took our first trip to Chuck-E-Cheese. Someone ran right to their MeMe...
And was mesmerized by the show...
While this little boy devoured his pizza;)
After a quick lunch while watching the show (it reminds me so much of our own childhood), we headed over to the rides and games...

The boys had such a blast and played, played, and played!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, we called it quits and headed back to Jill's house where the boys played (aka destroyed!) toys with Jack. Something about all the new toys made my boys so happy:) While they played, the ladies fixed some dinner and Jill made this awesome Octonauts cake for Jack...
Somehow, I failed to get any more pictures from the night but we had a blast celebrating Jack's third birthday!! Happy Third Birthday Jackson!!!!!

1 comment:

Beyond the Sunrise said...

I swear -- isn't the 5th photo from the new Three Stooges movie?