The week before vacation is always a challenge. Trying to get packed, cleaned, organized, and all ready to go before our BIG adventure:) But we did it and we are about to do it again next week---right after I just finished unpacking! Oh well, that's how summer goes:) Anyways, here are some random photos of the boys that I thought you might enjoy:
This is how we watch the garbage trucks---one at each window, dressed in pajamas, looking down from above!
Does this remind you of Home Alone?
Look who got some free ice cream---this crazy trio:)
All ready to go, bags are packed!
Somebody LOVES these Thomas stickers---I find them everywhere-clothes, the couch, floors, etc. Awesome, right?
Just a reminder again on why his nickname is Pig Pen!!!
Happy Feet and Aiden ready for another adventure together:)
Mr. Cool Shades
Loved his My Gym month of classes---may have to sign up again next fall or winter. It really is adorable and this little monkey was ALL over the place:)
Checking out the car show downtown---posing in front of this awesome race car!