Monday, June 11, 2012

Picnic Time!

First of all, I am so excited about our blog makeover at The Chirping Moms!  We worked with an AWESOME blog designer and got it up and running yesterday---go check it out!  And we are also hosting a great giveaway this week for a gift certificate to the Sweet and Sassy Boutique, who specializes in adorable hair accessories for girls.  If you have a sweet little darling in your family (or just want to pick up an awesome gift), go check it out! And don't worry boy moms, be on the lookout soon because there is the most FANTASTIC giveaway coming in the near future.  Hope you like our new page---we are so excited to share it with you!

And now on to my post...a couple weeks ago, I was a co-chair of the Cranford Newcomer's Annual Picnic!  Despite a forecast of rain, we were lucky that the sun came out a few hours in advance and the event happened with flying colors.  About 130 adults and 60 children came to enjoy some time together---playing games, eating food, and just hanging out.  Despite running around most of the time trying to keep everything organized, I managed to capture a few pictures of our boys...

Parachute Time!  

Tug of War---Aiden is the little boy right in front!
 Lots of the kids enjoying the entertainment---Chris is hanging out with the boys on the far right:)
 Chris and the boys!
 Getting ready for his first potato sack race!
 And so excited about getting a painted fish!


Amy said...

Wow, that picnic looks awesome! I bet all the kids loved all those fun activities.

Shannon said...

Your blog header is so cute! I'm thinking it is time for a change on my blog too. :)