Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Struck with the Flu!

Life is seriously flying by!  Our weekend this past month (and weeks!) have been extra crazy:)  I think that's what happens when your kids get a little older and there are there are three kids to keep going!

This weekend was our first slow weekend in a long time.  Aiden had soccer practice on Saturday & then we enjoyed a nice low-key morning downtown before just having a good ole family night around the house.  Sunday, we headed to church and Chris took the boys to a birthday party while Abby and I held down the fort catching up on life around here.  Laundry.  Mail piles.  Cleaning.  Etc.  I could seriously use a good day on my own to help get this place organized, but we all know that will never happen!!!

And I was excited to start off the week feeling somewhat caught up on life...until yesterday, when I was struck down with the flu around noon time.  Ugh, it is rough!  After picking up Aiden at school, we took one of the most low key afternoons in a long time.  Aiden took care of his siblings---getting snacks, unloading the car, etc. while I could hardly leave the couch.  I put myself to bed by 8 when Chris arrived home because I could hardly move.  Not kidding.

The problem with life as a mom is that one never gets breaks.  Chris had a big meeting at work today so although I feel a little better, it's tough to take care of three little ones when you are sick.  Plus, I had to babysit another wee one this morning & we are just about to head out to pick up some flowers for teacher's appreciation & I have a Mother's Day tea to attend for Andrew's school.  No rest for the weary.  It may be another 8 pm bedtime for me.

I haven't updated in awhile but wanted to share some fun pics from this past low-key weekend!

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