Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Aiden Four Month Video:)

Wow, it's already time for the fourth month video (for those interested, the song in the video is called "Gonna Take It" by the John Butler Trio... visit the JBT website at johnbutlertrio.com):

At four months, Aiden continues to be a joyous baby!  It's been a BUSY fourth month of life for the little guy:) One place that Aiden and Mommy enjoyed visiting this month was to see Aunt Jen, Uncle Paul, and little Clem!  Aiden would sleep the entire drive down and back, making it easy for his mama to navigate crazy NYC traffic.  Once we were there, Aiden loved to watch his baby cousin and play with all of the new things at their house.  Another special place that our family took this month was Aiden's first trip to Iowa!  Aiden did wonderful on another plane trip-and even survived a crazy flight home.  We had a great time seeing lots of family and friends while we were there.  Aiden loved to smile and charm all of his relatives on Easter day and got lots of attention from everyone, especially Grandma and Grandpa:)  He also got to go visit the Easter Bunny for the first time while he was there-and even graced the bunny with some special Aiden spit-up!  Aiden also enjoyed some trips around town:  the library, grocery store, Target, Saturday lunches at Panera, and his first time in the church nursery!  Aiden has enjoyed our first walks in the jogging stroller this month!  We are loving the stroller and Aiden gets to face out-watching trees, cars, and houses as we stroll by them.  Once he falls asleep, he gets to be reclined and enjoy a nice nap while Mommy gets a workout pushing him up the hills!
Aiden continues to explore and discover new things every day.  He smiles A LOT-and loves charming everyone with his little dimples.  He loves being sang to-even with my terrible voice.  He loves the song BINGO and will light up when you start singing it to him:)  He just started noticing the dogs and loves watching their tails wag...and every once in awhile will reach out to touch them.  We just have to make sure that he catches them in a good mood!  Aiden also loves looking at himself in the mirror-he will SMILE like crazy everytime he sees his face and will even babble at times to his reflection.  The little man loves to coo and make little monkey times-often when he is playing by himself or watching his mobile!  He doesn't exactly love tummy time, but continues to hold his head up and is trying so hard to scoot that little body!  Aiden seems to love everything-the swing, playing in the bouncer, his playmat, dancing, walks, being carried in the Baby Bjorn, the Bumbo, etc...but his absolute favorite thing of the day is BATHTIME!  He smiles as soon as we start undressing him and loves kicking around in the water:)  But, OH NO, once we take him out...he cries LOUDLY!  It's not a pretty sight before bedtime, but once we get him dressed and read him a couple stories, most nights he is ready for bed.  We can't wait to see what another month will bring-Happy Four Months!


Sarah said...

Oh Julie! He's adorable :) I love his smile!!! Thanks for sharing the pics. How do you put together those videos?

loveoflearning said...

I love Aiden.

Unknown said...

Pretty cool video. Was Chris' contribution picking out the music?