Saturday, April 4, 2009

What a fabulous week...

Thank goodness for the weekend!  Chris and I are both exhausted after a great week and are trying to catch some much needed rest:)  Even little Aiden is tired and had to go to bed early tonight after he shed some exhaustion tears!  Yesterday, Chris got to go to the first game in Yankee Stadium to cheer on the Cubs-YEAH!  The Cubs lost, but he had a great time there.  Below are some pictures from the night and we will upload some videos later.
I am loving the spring weather that is finally hitting Connecticut!  I finally can break out flip flops and have packed the winter coat away-YES!!!  My big thrill of the week is the jogging stroller that arrived this week!  THANK YOU to Grandpa Ruff for this wonderful Christmas gift:)  I researched them extensively and finally purchased a BOB stroller when it went on sale and am in love with it!!  Aiden and I have took advantage of every nice day this week with a long walk-he loves to snooze as I push him up the BIG hills around town-what a workout.  The stroller is amazing and I am looking forward to logging many, many miles on it!
Aiden and I took another visit to Aunt Jen, Uncle Paul, and Clem yesterday.  It's so much fun living close and having babies at the same time.  Aiden really is fascinated with Clem and even reaches out to touch her.  Now, we are anxiously awaiting for Aunt Jill and Uncle Tom (my other sister and brother-in-law) to have their baby boy.  She is due April 9th-so any day now!  Three sisters with three first babies-what a rarity, but SOO much fun!

Chris in front of the old Yankee stadium.
The new Yankee Stadium!
Another picture!
Aiden playing on the porch in the nice weather;)
Aiden is all ready for March Madness with Daddy in his basketball pajamas!
The new stroller!!!
Guess who loves his hands?

1 comment:

Sophie's Story by Elaine said...

I LOVE our BOB but Sophie is starting to outgrow it :( This is the only stroller that she will actually sit in for any period of time.