Thursday, January 14, 2010

I am taking a break from our typical "Aiden" reads because I wanted to reach to our few blog readers out there to encourage them to help and pray for those in Haiti that are so desperately in need after the earthquake that struck there. While watching some of the videos and photos from the aftermath on the "Today" show and on CNN this morning, I just felt such a heavy heart for what happened there. While walking around my house, I realized how much I take for granted just to have the basics of life: food, water, clothing, safety of our child and ourselves, and so much more. These people have lost everything that they own and it was incredible to hear the positive spirits that continue to exist there... children are still joyfully playing on the remains of their playgrounds and many of the Haitian people are thanking God for being alive.

Here's a link to some charitable organizations that are helping out in Haiti:


Unknown said...

Well said Julie. It's easy to take our lifestyle for granted.

Beyond the Sunrise said...

Nice blog -- I'm proud of you!