Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Enjoying the day...

What a relaxing Tuesday we had, mostly around the house! This morning, we were expecting the heating company to come between 8 and 11, therefore Chris decided that he would work from home until he was able to get into the office after the heating company came. So I was spoiled this morning as Chris got Aiden at wake-up time so I could get a quick workout in! I decided to look at our thermostat one more time before the heating company came and voila, there was heat...I guess it wasn't a boiler issue, but our ignorance of how to work our programmable thermostat. So lucky enough that I figured it out before the workers came!!!
Chris headed into the office soon after and Aiden and I took a big trip to the grocery store where we stocked up for some special visitors this weekend! When we got back and unloaded, I decided to give Aiden some exercise by having him help me walk the dogs. It took us about a 1/2 hour just to walk down 1 1/2 blocks and back! Aiden had fun picking up sticks and leaves while I wrangled the dogs and Aiden:) Then, we played, ate lunch, and NAPTIME!
After naptime, I walked up and found this sweet little boy:
As you can see, Aiden has quite a collection of things in his crib. He always sleeps with his pillow, at least 3 pacifiers, 2 blankets, his giraffe, Mr. Seahorse, an ugly doll, a lovey monkey, and a lovey giraffe blanket. Often times, you will also find Pooh bear (shown above), our new Mr. Gator (shown above), several books, a sippy of water, and other random objects! He likes to feel loved I guess:) Often times after naptime, he loves to read books by himself. Today, he read for almost an hour in his room. I kept asking him if he wanted to read or go to the park and he wanted "books." Therefore, we didn't make it to the park today! Here he is reading Pooh:
I even decided to get my own book and lay down with a pillow in his room and enjoy this quiet moment. He loved that idea so much that he went and pulled out another book from my bedstand and laid down next to me on the pillow. It was so cute!!
We spent the rest of the day on a walk, playing outside, watching The Wheels on the Bus, eating mac and cheese with homemade slow cooker applesauce, crazy play time, and bed!!! What a great day!!

1 comment:

jody said...

I love that little guy! He is so smart! Julie, you are a great mama. Thanks for the updates!