Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our Weekend In Review and a Tour of the Dining Room!

We spent our weekend in pajamas and work clothes because we were either sleeping or working!!! It was one of those weekends where we felt like a slave to our new home. We worked hard on unpacking, moving boxes around, hanging pictures, seeding the yard, clearing out the baby's nursery, digging up weeds, and much more. Aiden spent his weekend in pajamas...either attempting to help us, playing toys, or watching a little Elmo! It's been one of those weekends, although we did enjoy a short break today to walk up to the town fall festival full of vendors, fair food, and live music.
Aiden loves to undress himself lately-here's a shot of him trying to take his shirt off:

And here's the next room in our new home tour...the dining room!! This a shot taken of the room before we moved in:
And the "after" picture of our hard work:
And a view from the kitchen...
Here are our bookshelves. They are finally filled with pictures and cute trinkets:)
And our new counter stools:
And the stairs leading up:
And here's Chris' yard project for the weekend! This planting area was filled with LOTS and LOTS of weeds and random grass. Chris dug it all out (and I actually helped today!) and planted these beautiful mums!! Isn't it pretty?


Unknown said...

Things are looking great guys. Good job.

Anonymous said...

i love what you have done!! i think the old owners would wish they had your talent.

Beyond the Sunrise said...

Wow --- lots of hard work but well worth it!

Susan said...

It looks fantastic Julie! Can't wait to see the rest!