Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Typical Day!

It's only Wednesday and I'm exhausted!!!! This 22 month old is wearing his mama out:)
We start our day off with reading books and playing toys. If Daddy is lucky, he gets a ride to the train! (Actually if he is still here when Aiden wakes up, then we all head to the "choo choo" as Aiden calls it.) I try to catch a few minutes of the Today show during playtime, so I feel in touch with the real world. By 8:00, we usually eat breakfast, figure out our plans for the day, and do a quick pick-up! Right now, Aiden's favorite breakfast is still oatmeal and a banana that looks more green than yellow.
After watching some "Elmo's World" and walking dogs, Aiden gets some playtime upstairs while I attempt to take a quick shower. Then, it's our daily struggle to get Aiden dressed-he is definitely showing his stubborn side as he likes to dress himself, as much as he can! Our mornings consist of errands/a fun activity/or just hanging around the house. On Tuesday, we spent the morning running errands in this new city and it was exhausting. First, we ran to Home Depot to pick up a part for our running toilet. Not there, of course! And then, we had to go the bank, to the grocery store, and to the pharmacy. I had intention to head to the post office too, but I postponed that until today because Aiden was ready to head home after being in and out of the car so much! Today, we headed to a library storytime around here. Aiden had more interest in taking books off the shelves and sitting at the library tables, then listening to the story! But he did love the star sticker that they gave him so much that he wouldn't take it off all day. (Which meant that I had to tape it to his shirt after it wouldn't stick anymore to keep him content!)
After being out and about, we come home and play outside in our backyard! Let me tell you how much I love having a fenced in backyard! Aiden's favorite things to play with are his cozy coupe and lawn mower:) He carries the same strange various objects in the back of his cozy coupe-his sidewalk chalk, a screwdriver, a bottle of bubbles, and a screw. And if one of those isn't in there, we have to go a search for the missing component to his car ride! And there is always entertainment with the puppies...
Playing outside
"Walking" the puppies
Saying cheese before heading out in the morning!
Around noon, we head inside to break for lunch. Sometimes, Aiden will gobble up his food and sometimes he wants nothing to do with it! You never know what is going to happen, but it's always a new day. After lunch, we have a little play/down time before nap time!!! As much as I love spending my day with Aiden, nap time provides a little sanity break where I catch up on email, watch a moment of television, and lately just trying to get our house in order.
After naptime (sometimes short, sometimes long), we are ready for a new adventure. If the weather is nice, I have been taking Aiden for a walk and then we either play outside in our backyard or head to the park nearby. We head home around 5ish to watch a little television (right now, Aiden is beginning to like Mickey Mouse...but not as much as Elmo!) while I try to get dinner prepared. Sometimes, Aiden eats earlier, but if Chris makes it home in time, we try to eat with him. Today, we even walked down and met Chris down at the train station, then Aiden gets to see the train drive in to the station. After dinner, we play, play, play! And then head into bath and night-night land!
A few shots from playtime today:
Aiden loves the dog's kennel! So much that he tries to lock himself in there with them:)
And even happier that let the dogs free and he is still in there alone!

What am I going to do when winter hits?????? And another baby arrives??????
Life is definitely going to become even more fun, interesting, and exciting!!!


Jill said...

Julie I am tired just reading all of that. He is so cute!

Beyond the Sunrise said...

Jules, Demanding and exhausting job that you have but ultimately, greatly rewarding!

Jocelyn said...

Fun to catch up on your blog! I can definitely relate. I LOVE naptime! :) Life with two is nuts, but you'll do great! I have, however, totally given up on keeping the house picked up! Enjoy your last days with an only child.