Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Survivor: The Rogers Household

Sometimes I feel like my life mimics the show, Survivor!

Family Members: Me-the mom, Chris- the dad who is stuck away from home for 12-15 hours during busy season, Aiden-the wild, energetic, loving 2 year old, and Andrew-the sweet, precious baby!

Living Conditions: Messy and chaotic! By the end of the day, our living room looks like a tornado went through it. Bouncy seat, play mat, random toy cars, doctor kit pieces, books, junk mail, slippers, plastic tools, and other random toys were put back into place around 9 pm tonight!

Food: Whatever you discover in our cabinets that desperately need more restocking! I was hoping to get to the store today but the icy weather conditions kept us homebound for another day. Thank goodness for one last frozen meal that kept our stomachs full for another night.

Sleep: None to Very Little. The longest stretch that I have slept in the past two nights is at the most three hours. Nothing like a toddler who is going through sleep regression/possibly teething/and a cold all at one time as well as nursing a newborn to make one go crazy!

-Feed baby every 2-4 hours
-Feed toddler 3 times a day, plus two snacks. Try to get him to eat something besides waffles, goldfish, and cereal bars.
-Keep house clean: never-ending laundry, vacumn, dust, make beds, wash windows, and other daily chores all while having a toddler follow you around trying to help!
-Washing dishes every moment you can because we still have a broken dishwasher that either a. needs to be replaced or b. needs to be fixed. The problem is we are too busy to either think about doing a. or b. so instead we have been handwashing dishes for almost a month now!
-Keep toddler entertained: craft projects, play toys, limit television, play toys, read books, play toys, go outside, play toys (This is most of the day!)
-Spend time with baby (often while a toddler hovers nearby!): Sing songs, read books, cuddle, and just LOVE baby!
-Don't forget the dogs-put outside about every hour and try not to feel guilty that they are not getting even one daily walk in and look like a scraggled mess.
-Hope for a shower...it usually doesn't happen until 10 pm!
-If you can ever get out of the house, then there is grocery shopping and a small list of errands that need to be completed but have not been done in the past month!
-Try to ignore everything that still needs to be done in the house: painting, organizing, decorating, etc. Hope to get it done before the next year ends!
-Enjoy the rare moments where you can catch a glance at the Today show, check email, read a book, or just relax!

Due to the lack of sleep going around here, I definitely feel like I am in "survival" mode!
But it makes it all worthwhile when I see the smiles on our two boys:


Beyond the Sunrise said...

Three pictures plus four smiles; made my day!

Unknown said...

Hang in there Julie. You'll get through this. Maybe we need to open up grandma and grandpa camp?

Kristen and Mike said...

Peapod for groceries!! You can cross that off your to do list without even leaving the house! :)

The Petrie Family said...

Oh Julie! I totally feel for you, and understand first-hand as well! I just discovered your blog recently, and have enjoyed catching up on you guys and will continue to follow the Rogers Family! Hang in there girl! Your boys are adorable!