Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Andrew!

This little guy celebrated his FIRST birthday on Monday! Soon, I will post a more detailed update of Andrew's life as an one year old, but I wanted to share this cute picture of him:)

We started off the morning with some homemade chocolate chip waffles:) Then, we had our music class which the boys LOVE! And we headed over to the park to meet a couple friends on an awesomely warm day. Andrew LOVES the park, so it was a great activity to celebrate his day. After naps, we headed to a friend's house to play outside some more. We ended the day with some spaghetti and meatballs (one of his favorites), a few presents, and some cupcakes (or at least the icing!). It was a wonderful first birthday for our little boy.

I have been a bit behind on the updates. My computer has had some major issues so I haven't been able to get too many pictures downloaded and/or much done on here as the computer is SLOW right now! I think Santa may be bringing me a new computer, right Chris?!?!? And I lost our camera charger so my phone is all I got right now. So there is a pile of semi-decent pictures on my camera that need to be shared with the rest of the world. Thanks to my dad, he sent the extra camera charger and I will be back in order soon!

We are BUSY in Christmas mode here...the tree has been cut from the farm, put up in the house, and decorated. The lights are outside the house. The decorations are up! The cards are made and the presents are almost all bought! We celebrated our first day of December with writing a letter to Santa and reading the story Elf on the Shelf:)

I will try to update as much as I can, but my computer is just a LITTLE problematic right now!

Happy Birthday Andrew!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Beyond the Sunrise said...

Hard to believe that Andrew is now one-year old!