Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy 7 Months Andrew!

So I thought I better post this 7 month update before we already hit his 8 month celebration! Between our vacation, staying active in the summer, and chasing around my two free time has gone out the window! For those occasional moments that I do get a break, I either am catching a quick nap or trying to do something around the house (fix curtains, bake cookies, fold laundry, etc...)
Andrew turned 7 months on June 28th and I still can't believe that this little bug is inching his way closer and closer to one. I am in love with our little boy and treasure moments with him, especially the occasional times that I can steal him away for just me and him time!
This month:
  • Andrew is one ACTIVE little bug! He is a crawling champ and is ALL over the place. I often find him in another room and somehow, he magically ends up in the dog dishes more then I would like:)
  • Andrew loves to pull up on anything and everything: the ottoman, his activity table, chairs, entertainment center, etc. He loves to stand and one day, I just know that I will see him take his first steps. PLEASE don't do this soon. Since you are so active, we have retired the bouncers, playmats, and even the Bumbo. You just climb right out of that chair!
  • Andrew is my little toy machine. He plays, plays, and plays! Thank goodness I have one child who loves all these toys that I have picked up at garage sales:)
  • We spent part of this month in North Carolina. Andrew took his first plane ride (with just Mommy and Aiden) and was a champion flyer. No tears, two naps, and was a dream baby to fly with! He spent a few days in the mountains where he got to enjoy a couple hikes and lots of playtime. He spent a week at the beach where he took his first steps in the ocean and had lots of time to play in the sand. We drove home on a 11 hour car ride where Andrew spent most of the time sleeping or playing with Mommy:)
  • Andrew continues to nurse, but finally takes a bottle!!!!!!!!! (This makes his mommy VERY VERY happy!) He eats lots of different foods. His favorite foods are sweet potatoes, applesauce, and a variety of fruits. Usually, he is a great eater unless he is tired then there is no luck getting food down him, then he just fusses, fusses, and fusses. He is also a very messy eater. One of his favorite things to do while he eats is spit his food everywhere: on mommy's clothes and all over the high chair! It makes for some big disasters. Andrew also drinks from a sippy cup and LOVES to drink water at mealtime.
  • Andrew continues to get up once or twice during the night. Waking up through the night makes his parents (especially Mommy!) a zombie every couple days, but I have to remind myself that this is a phase that will one day pass.
  • Andrew LOVES to watch his older brother Aiden! Most of their waking moments are spent together and I know that Andrew learns so much from watching his big brother. One of their favorite moments is right before nap time when we gather in Aiden's bed for stories. They go crazy rolling around with each other, laughing and giggling. It's so cute!
  • Andrew is still a little peanut. He wears size 2 diapers and fits in either 3 month or 3-6 month clothes. Just like his older brother, this little one is petite but makes up for it with his crazy energy!!!
Happy 7 Months Andrew! We love you:)

1 comment:

Tim Rogers said...

Thanks for the great update Julie. Happy 7 months Andrew.