Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sometimes life doesn't go as planned...

So last week, we were supposed to meet a friend at the pool one afternoon! Anyone with two young kids knows that going to the pool is NO easy feat. Not only do have to change both kids into swimsuits and lather sunscreen on, but you have to pack all the necessary items (snacks, water, toys, change of clothes, hats, etc, etc, etc...). Since I have been doing this all summer, I have to say that I am pretty organized and follow a checklist every time we head to the pool which is usually three or four times per week, most of the time without Chris.
So back to the afternoon, we loaded in the car with all the essential equipment, drove to the pool, unloaded everybody and everything into the double stroller, and walked about halfway to the entrance. Only then did I realize that I forgot the most essential item necessary, Andrew's bottle (which was sitting by the sink in a glass of hot water warming up so it would be ready to go). Yes, the 6 ounces of liquid that are necessary to keep him healthy and happy for the next few hours.
So what do you do? Load up, call your friend and apologize profusely, and head home to play in the backyard for the afternoon. Although I missed catching up with a good friend, I would have to say that we enjoyed our time in the backyard just as much or if not more then we would have at the pool! (No trying to juggle a baby and a toddler for two hours at the pool with only my two arms!)
Here are some pictures to prove our fun:
Look Mom, I like our pool just as much as the city pool! I don't have to share toys here;)And I'm more content just playing in the grass and crawl all over the place!
And look who is learning how to play baseball?!?!
I don't know where he learned this face, but he makes it all the time!
And look at Mr. Happy after he finally received his bottle!

1 comment:

Beyond the Sunrise said...

Appears you made a great decision. The back yard looks pretty cool on a hot day.