Sunday, July 17, 2011

Heat Wave!

There has been no break from heat in this part of the country! By about 9:00, it's already TOO hot to hit the park. So last Monday morning after a quick breakfast, we headed to the park by 7:30 am:) Can we say early?!?! The boys had a great time having the play equipment all to their selves and I was thankful that we weren't sweating in the sun!
All ready to play at the park
Walking the beam! (Can you tell that I was in the midst of doing laundry? These pajamas do not match at all. That's the way we roll in our house!)
Look who else loves to climb on the structure!

1 comment:

Beyond the Sunrise said...

If you want to cool off, the daily highs in the High Country have been in the low 80's! I'll pay for the daily pool passes.