Monday, September 19, 2011

We're Back!!!!

It's been awhile since we last updated and we have stayed busy, busy, busy!!!!! The main reason that I had to take a short break was because my computer was running out of memory and wouldn't take our camera uploading any more pictures. But now that I have transferred many photos over to a external hard drive, we should be good to go for awhile:)

We have been continuing work on the house. I have redesigned our side room, finally making it into a functional room! And today, an electrician came and has rewired our living room to put in a beautiful ceiling room fan:) I love it!

The boys have been enjoying the beautiful weather with almost daily trips to the park and lots of play dates with friends. We started library story time last week and will be starting a music class and toddler class at the community center within the next few weeks. I can't wait and I'm sure the boys will enjoy too!

I have several posts for this week so keep reading:) Off to enjoy some premiere episodes of television as all the shows are starting up again...

1 comment:

Beyond the Sunrise said...

How about those Hawks and Cyclones last weekend? Congratulations to both!!